Der Mann, der den Privatfunk nicht anhielt

Ok, vielleicht ist der Titel ein wenig hochgegriffen, aber die Geschichte ist trotzdem erwähnenswert – besonders am Tag der Deutschen Einheit, an dem wir uns gerne an historische Momente erinnern.

Eine Reise in den Herbst 1984

Es war ein Freitag im Herbst 1984. Als junger Privatfunker auf dem Weg von Berlin nach Frankfurt am Main. Alles lief glatt, bis man am Grenzübergang nach der Avus ankam und plötzlich feststellte: Huch, den Pass vergessen! Und nicht nur das, auch ein wichtiger Passierschein war darin.

Ein unerwarteter Namensvetter

Die ostdeutschen Grenzbeamten waren bekanntlich nicht gerade für ihre Freundlichkeit berühmt. Doch an diesem Tag geschah etwas Seltsames. Der Grenzbeamte, der den Pass des Privatfunkers vermisste, rief erstaunt seinem Kollegen in der Wachkabine zu: „Da ist ein gewisser Namensvetter – Helmut Poppe, der Generalmajor.“ Zu meiner Überraschung winkten sie einen freundlich und respektvoll durch, obwohl in einem westdeutschen Daimler sitzend (es war der Wagen des Chefs 😊).

Die Anfänge des Privatfunks

In den frühen 80er Jahren entstanden in München und Berlin die ersten Privatradios. Die eigene Aufgabe war es, für den Sender „Radio Petticoat“ Werbezeiten zu akquirieren. Der erster Kunde war ein Spielwarenhändler, der unbedingt wollte, dass die Hintergrundmusik seines Spots mit einer hauseigenen Elektroorgel untermalt wird. Kunde Nummer zwei war dann schon ein, Nestlé. Da war man schon ein bisschen stolz, auch wenn die Mediakosten des Kunden über einen anderen Etat geleistet wurden.

Die ersten Schritte in Mediasales

Diese ersten Erfahrungen in Berlin waren mehr als wertvoll. Sie führten dazu, dass nach zwei Karrierezwischenschritten leitende Marketingpositionen erklommen wurden bei großen Anbietern, darunter auch ein internationales. Weiter ging es dann mit dem Internet, von dem man anfangs bei Ogilvy/Mindshare skeptisch erfuhr. Aber das ist eine andere Geschichte.


Auch wenn man nicht der Mann ist, der den Privatfunk nicht anhielt, so habe ich doch meinen kleinen Beitrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Rundfunks geleistet. Und wer weiß, vielleicht gibt es noch viele weitere Geschichten, die es wert sind, erzählt zu werden – mit einem Augenzwinkern natürlich.

Die Deutsche Einheit wurde offiziell am 3. Oktober 1990 verkündet.  Die Verkündung der Einheit wurde in den Medien, einschließlich des Radios, umfassend berichtet und gefeiert. Man selbst saß an diesem Abend im Auto auf dem Weg zurück von Gütersloh … na, welches Medienunternehmen hat dort seinen Sitz?

@Radiozentrale @studiogong #RPR1 @VAUNETpresse   #RadioSalesWeekly #ARDmediathek #TearDownTheWalls  #HelmutPoppe

L’homme qui n’a pas arrêté la radio privée

D’accord, peut-être que le titre est un peu exagéré, mais l’histoire mérite quand même d’être mentionnée – surtout le jour de l’Unité allemande, où nous aimons nous souvenir des moments historiques.

Un voyage à l’automne 1984

C’était un vendredi à l’automne 1984. En tant que jeune radiodiffuseur privé en route de Berlin à Francfort-sur-le-Main. Tout se passait bien jusqu’à ce qu’on arrive au poste frontière après l’Avus et qu’on se rende soudain compte : Oups, le passeport oublié ! Et pas seulement ça, un important laissez-passer y était aussi.

Un homonyme inattendu

Les gardes-frontières est-allemands n’étaient pas vraiment connus pour leur amabilité. Mais ce jour-là, quelque chose d’étrange s’est produit. Le garde-frontière, qui cherchait le passeport du radiodiffuseur privé, a appelé étonné son collègue dans la cabine de garde : « Il y a un certain homonyme – Helmut Poppe, le général-major. » À ma grande surprise, ils m’ont fait passer amicalement et respectueusement, bien que j’étais assis dans une Mercedes-Benz ouest-allemande (c’était la voiture du patron 😊).

Les débuts de la radio privée

Au début des années 80, les premières radios privées ont vu le jour à Munich et à Berlin. Ma tâche était d’acquérir des temps publicitaires pour la station « Radio Petticoat ». Le premier client était un marchand de jouets qui voulait absolument que la musique de fond de son spot soit jouée sur un orgue électronique maison. Le deuxième client était déjà Nestlé. On était déjà un peu fier, même si les coûts médiatiques du client étaient couverts par un autre budget.

Les premiers pas dans les ventes médias

Ces premières expériences à Berlin ont été plus que précieuses. Elles ont conduit, après deux étapes intermédiaires de carrière, à des postes de direction marketing chez de grands fournisseurs, y compris un international. Ensuite, il y a eu Internet, dont on a d’abord entendu parler avec scepticisme chez Ogilvy/Mindshare. Mais c’est une autre histoire.


Même si je ne suis pas l’homme qui a arrêté la radio privée, j’ai quand même apporté ma petite contribution à l’histoire de la radiodiffusion allemande. Et qui sait, il y a peut-être encore beaucoup d’autres histoires qui valent la peine d’être racontées – avec un clin d’œil bien sûr.

L’Unité allemande a été officiellement proclamée le 3 octobre 1990. La proclamation de l’unité a été largement rapportée et célébrée dans les médias, y compris à la radio. Ce soir-là, j’étais en voiture sur le chemin du retour de Gütersloh… alors, quelle entreprise de médias y a son siège ?

@Radiozentrale @studiogong #RPR1 @VAUNETpresse #RadioSalesWeekly #ARDmediathek #TearDownTheWalls #HelmutPoppe

The Ideal Prompts for Political Audio Advertising


Example: [Candidate Name] stands for [Key Issue]. Join us in making a difference. Vote [Candidate Name] on [Election Date].

These sites offer building blocks/templates that can be used for radio/audio:

  • offers a guide with examples of winning text messages for political campaigns. They cover various strategies, from fundraising to mobilizing voters and building support.
  • SMSCountry has a collection of ready-to-use SMS templates specifically designed for election campaigns. These templates cover a range of purposes, from welcoming new subscribers to reminding voters on election day.
  • PowerTextor also offers examples of political campaign messages, including templates for voter registration, donation requests, and event invitations.

Examples of Successful Campaigns:

  • “Rebuild America” – Joe Biden (United States)
  • “Leadership Matters” – Angela Merkel
  • “Together for a Stronger France” – Emmanuel Macron (France)

Artificial voices were (not yet?) to be found.

Small Problem: German broadcasters are reluctant to give airtime for free. #diemedienanstalten #radiopub @michelcolin

RSW Conducts Air Checks and Interviews with Radio Advertisers

RadioSalesWeekly, #RSW  recently conducted air checks and interviews with radio advertisers, uncovering some intriguing insights. It appears that there might be more happening behind the scenes than meets the ears and eyes.

Advertisers are concerned that consumers might find AI-generated ads less trustworthy or even creepy, which could negatively impact brand perception.  Therefore, they are cautious about creating radio spots in the whole process using AI.

The local station Antenne Kaiserslautern (nearby Ramstein in Germany)and its CEO Andreas Sprenart recently demonstrated impressively how he lets customers speak in the spots and what other creative ideas his group of stations uses. There are no artificially generated voices involved!

so, radio spots that are entirely produced using AI throughout the editing process are still quite rare except those created for regional test deployments. Maybe there are some pointers at Mobirise, ThemeForest, or the established providers for political campaigns in radio …

This raises the question: has the hype around AI in advertising and especially in radio advertising slowed down?


What are your thoughts on the future of AI in radio advertising? Share your insights below!

#RadioGroup  #MediaticConseils #CandyVoice

Gamer Go to Cologne – Frankfurt Left Out

These days, the world’s largest trade fair – at least according to the organizers – for video and computer games is taking place in Germany. Why in Cologne and not in the “trade fair capital” Frankfurt? Who plays, and what significance does this industry have for our society and economy?

Significance of the Gaming Industry

The gaming industry is no longer a niche market. Believe it or not, with a turnover of almost 10 billion euros in 2022, it is the most profitable creative industry in Germany, far ahead of the film and music industries (source: The industry is booming and growing steadily, which is also reflected in the increasing number of players.

Who Plays?

In Germany, around 54 percent of the population play computer and video games at least occasionally. Gaming is particularly popular among 16- to 29-year-olds, over 85 percent of whom play regularly. But gaming is also widespread in other age groups: 18 percent of those over 65 also play occasionally (both figures from Statista).

Gaming Companies in the Rhine-Main Region

The Rhine-Main region is home to numerous innovative gaming companies. Some of the most well-known include:

What is Played?

In terms of video game sales, games like Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto, Tetris, and Super Mario Bros. are far ahead. These games sell between 300 and 60 million licenses per year. Gamers pay a one-time fee of between 7 and 30 euros, while bundles cost over 400 euros. Many Tetris games are available online for free, but special versions or platforms may incur costs.

Why Cologne and Not Frankfurt?

Gamescom has been held annually in Cologne since 2009 and has established itself as the world’s largest trade fair for computer games. Cologne offers a large and easily accessible trade fair venue with Koelnmesse, which is attractive to both trade visitors and the general public. The central location and good infrastructure contribute to the popularity of the site. Perhaps the marketing in Cologne was just more alert?

Side Effects of Gaming

Gaming has both positive and negative side effects. On the positive side, video games can improve spatial thinking and help with depression and feelings of loneliness. However, excessive gaming and poor posture can lead to health problems such as neck tension and wrist inflammation (sources: Barmer and Helios).

Exciting effects are being generated in unexpected industries and professions, such as sales, where sales simulations are used to hold competitions between individual salespeople. Gaming has indeed found exciting effects and applications in many unexpected industries and professions. Here are some examples:

  • In Medicine: With surgical simulations, doctors and surgeons use VR and AR technologies to practice complex operations and improve their skills.
  • In Therapy and Rehabilitation: Games are used to support patients in rehabilitation, e.g., through movement exercises in a playful environment.
  • In Education: With educational games like Minecraft Education Edition, students are taught subjects like math and history in a playful way. VR technologies enable students to take virtual field trips and experience interactive learning environments.
  • In the Military: Soldiers use games and simulations to train tactical skills and practice realistic combat scenarios.
  • In Marketing and Advertising: Companies use game elements to engage customers and promote their products in innovative ways. Examples include loyalty programs and interactive advertising campaigns.
  • In Fitness and Health: Exergaming, games like Ring Fit Adventure combine physical exercise with game mechanics to make fitness exercises more entertaining.

An exciting development comes from the nearby Alsatian city of Strasbourg. The company CandyVoice gives players and other actors in the game different voices. So, a boy with a breaking voice becomes a Tarzan or a hero. Some may also like to appear with an anonymous voice. It is quite amazing when, with this application – mainly controlled by developer Jean-Luc Crébouw – someone speaks into a microphone in real-time without noticeable delay, and a familiar voice, such as that of a well-known politician or movie star, is heard from the speaker, of course, following property rights.

Gaming Companies in the Rhine-Main Region

The Rhine-Main region is home to numerous innovative gaming companies. Some of the most well-known include:

  • Crytek: Known for games like Far Cry and Crysis, Crytek is based in Frankfurt and is a major player in the German gaming industry.
  • Deck13 Interactive: Also based in Frankfurt, Deck13 is known for games like The Surge and Lords of the Fallen.
  • Keen Games: This studio, also from Frankfurt, has celebrated great success with Portal Knights (information from “Feels like Hessen”).
  • metricminds: Located near Mainzer Landstraße, this leading animation studio specializes in motion capture and cinematics (company information).

The gaming industry is therefore by no means overrated but an important economic sector with great potential for the future. So, we can only wish the developers much success in inventing further game ideas and the gamers exciting moments with the saying: “Level completed! Now off to real life before you become an NPC!”

A small explanation: “NPCs” are Non-Player Characters, i.e., characters in a game that are controlled by the game software rather than by players.

pix Poppe/Dalle

Creative Industries Hessen

Radio Financing in the Future: The Role of AI

Now that the initial hype has subsided and media users have gained experience with AI applications, it’s time to draw an initial conclusion. One recurring question is, ‘Where is the productivity gain?’ One possible answer is that productivity depends on financial gains and reduced costs. For the media industry, especially in radio business, the key questions are: Are personnel costs actually being saved, and are higher revenues being achieved? As previously discussed, personnel costs account for a significant portion around 50% to 60% of total expenses for radio stations. The editorial department likely contributes a much higher share to this cost block than organization and sales/marketing, which we won’t delve into here.

Let’s take a closer look at the sales and marketing department of a radio station over time. In practice, it’s quite possible that expensive creative minds in sales will be replaced in the future, and a new team equipped with pre-generated sales offers and ad creations through AI will be deployed, following the motto ‘We’ve prepared you better than ever before.’ If it becomes possible to enter the market with new and numerous offerings, resulting in actual revenue growth, then the effort will have been worthwhile – killing two birds with one stone. At the end of this article, there will be a call to action.

Navigating the Next Two Decades

The French government has warned of a drastic change in the media landscape over the next 20 years, driven by digital players. Experts agree that this is likely to happen in most radio markets around the world. The author recommends that radio stations fight back with their own weapons, namely artificial intelligence (AI).

AI as a Key Determinant

Despite the uncertainties surrounding the hype cycles of emerging technologies, experts see AI as a key determinant for the future of radio. Radio, whether state-controlled, supported, or privately organized, is dependent on refinancing. This raises the question of how to optimize processes in the programming area, particularly with a view to opening up new revenue streams. And this goes beyond advertising. This article focuses on the commercial side.

Beyond Advertising: New Revenue Streams

In addition to traditional radio advertising, there are other potential revenue streams:

  • Streaming and podcasts: These offer new ways to reach listeners and generate revenue.
  • Tapping into new customer bases through new partnerships and content: This could involve collaborating with influencers or creating content for specific target groups.
  • Increasing efficiency using AI in 10 steps: This could include using AI to automate tasks such as playlist creation and scheduling.

Recommendations for Radio Stations

The author’s recommendations for radio stations are as follows:

  • Invest in AI: AI can help radio stations to become more efficient and reach new audiences.
  • Create new content and partnerships: This will help to attract new listeners and generate revenue.
  • Train your sales teams: Salespeople need to be up-to-date on the latest AI technologies and how they can be used to benefit radio stations.

And the previously announced call to action is: ‚Create a comparative analysis based on key items such as ‘changes in revenue from acquisitions’ and ‘reductions in personnel costs for sales/marketing/creative/workflow.’ Please conduct this analysis across different Nielsen regions and by station types. Perform a point-in-time comparison now, assuming that you are a serious provider, if it hasn’t already been done. The results promise to be interesting, and best practices can be derived from the insights.

Digitale Transformation in deutschen Medien

#RTL CEO Schmitter enthüllt neue Programmstrategien, während der #HessischeRundfunk eine radikale Reform plant. Frankreichs Medienlandschaft ist bereits einen Schritt voraus und implementiert Multi-Plattform-Strategien wie alle anderen nationalen Radioprogramme mit #Bewegtbild und breiter Content-Distribution.. Was bedeutet das für das deutsche #Radio? Steht es vor der Bedeutungslosigkeit? #Medienlandschaft #RadioSalesWeekly #LaLettrepro ##radiopub #redtech

Radiotour in Strasbourg

At the #Radiotour in Strasbourg last week, Editor-in-Chief #LaLettrePro Fred Brulhatour made an original suggestion: Dear radios, replace the traditional boxes of chocolates, trips and other gifts in competitions with useful services such as 100 hours of babysitting or care for seniors in the evening. Own suggestion, one could push the matter even further: Instead of old-fashioned Euros, give a piece of the computing power of GPT-7, as Sam Altman suggested.

Overall, German providers can certainly be inspired by the #RadioTour, which leads across France. Here all topics come up that have to do with the fascinating medium. There were over 30 of them, presented in changing formats. It is clearly noticeable that our neighbors on the left bank of the Rhine offer much more creativity and solutions, also in view of the much higher number of stations, four nationwide radios and numerous associations and service providers.

A particularly exciting contribution was made by Michel Colin from #MediaticConseils with a demonstration of the tools from #HeyGen. He addressed the participants with his lip-synchronous avatar automated in various languages and – small joke – with the voice of the main organizer Philippe Chapot (guaranteed that this will not be ‘hoarded’). As far as HeyGen is concerned, own tests showed that the application is not so trivial. It gets stuck at various points in user-friendliness. There is certainly more to come.

Many thanks to Philippe Chapot from the French #RadioHouse and his team for organizing this extraordinary event!

#RadioTour #Innovation #Radio #winMedia #CandyVoice #RadioHouse Kiel #LaLettrePro #RadioPub #RadioZentrale #ARDmedia #StudioGong“ #EditionsHF #RadioSalesWeekly

Photos. Jean-Luc Crébouw CandyVoice, Frédéric Brulhatour LaLettrePro Video: Michel Colin presents applications for Sales via HeyGen (excerpt)

Fakes, seriöser Journalismus, KI und Rundfunk

Männlich doch anzüglich. Wie Algorithmen Inhalte fälschlich bewerten können. Experiment von „AI und Automation Lab“ des BR

Eine schöne Definition von Künstlicher Intelligenz „KI“ in Abgrenzung zu Apps lieferte kürzlich eine Referentin beim Königsteiner Forum. Die Gefahr von Fake News, die Rolle des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks, automatisierte Organisationsabläufe, personalisierte Nachrichten waren die Themen des Abends. Der Wegfall von Arbeitsplätzen und Kostenaspekte eher nicht.

Die Referentin Rebecca Ciesielski konnte bei der Vortragsreihe der Frankfurter Volksbank keine besonderen Ängste bei den Mitarbeitern ihres Hauses feststellen, die eine Gefahr sehen, dass künstliche Intelligenz ihre Arbeit übernehmen könnte. Helmut Poppe, RadioSalesWeekly, fragte nach Antworten auf Rückgänge bei den Werbeeinnahmen und zumindest der Stagnation der Reichweiten der öffentlich-rechtlicher Anstalten im Zusammenhang mit einem Personalkostenanteil von 40%. Bei Gesamteinkünften von 1 Mrd. Euro einer einzelnen Regionalanstalt sah er da eher ein Problem. Einen schleichenden Verlust oder zumindest die Stagnation der Einnahmen durch sinkende Werbebuchungen mit eher zurückgehenden Reichweiten bei Zuhören und Zuschauern im Wettbewerb mit Digitalplattformen müssen die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender weit weniger fürchten. Die Werbung macht nur einen sehr geringen Anteil von wenigen Prozent der Gesamteinnahmen aus. Die öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten und das ZDF können jährlich auf mehr als 9 Milliarden Euro aus Werbung und anderen Quellen zurückgreifen.

Interessante Informationen zeigte die junge Referentin mit drei Masterdiplomen zum Thema Workflow-Optimierung auf. Hier gibt es viele Gemeinsamkeiten mit anderen Branchen, z.B. in der Produkterstellung, im Vertrieb und im Personalmanagement. Ein Regionalsender wie der Bayerische Rundfunk kann beispielsweise bei der Produktion von Nachrichten diese für bestimmte Zielgruppen automatisiert personalisieren und inhaltlich nach Region, Alter, Geschlecht, Ausdrucksformen und Vorlieben gestalten. Und zwar mit Hilfe besagter künstlicher Intelligenz. Als Black Box weiß allerdings niemand genau, auf welche Daten sich die KI bezieht, und so wird immer wieder der Blick des menschlichen Verstandes notwendig sein.

Insgesamt spielt der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk eine wichtige Rolle im Umgang mit KI, weil er – wie an dem Abend in Königstein von der Referentin des „AI und Automation Lab“ des BR demonstriert – entsprechende Verfahren des Einsatzes und der Steuerung digitaler Maschinen entwickeln kann und bereits entwickelt.

Eine Videoaufzeichnung der Veranstaltung Journalismus in Zeiten von ChatGPT & Journalismus in Zeiten von ChatGPT & Co findet man hier.

Video | Stadt Königstein (

Rebecca Ciesielskis humorvolle Definition der neuen digitalen Techniken lautete: „Ein Computerprogramm oder eine App entsteht wie beim Kochen: „Nach einem Rezept geht man in einem festgelegten Ablauf vor. Künstliche Intelligenz hingegen verhält sich wie ein Schüler in einer Prüfung, sie gibt auf alles eine Antwort, Hauptsache es klingt schlau.“

Dieses Schaubild zeigt die Projektion der Werbeerlöse nach Mediengattung bis zum Jahr 2030 mit einem prognostizierten Anstieg des Anteils digitaler Medien auf 65%, die hauptsächlich von großen US-Plattformen gesteuert werden. Dies bedeutet falls die Kostenstrukturen der historischen Medien angepasst werden sollen einen notwendigen massiven Einsatz von KI zur Optimisierung der Arbeitsabläufe und zugleich zur Gewinnung oder zumindest zum Halten des Publikums wie auch neuer Werbekunden.

Quelle: PMP strategy positive impact – ARCOM – Franz. Kulturministerium


Fakes, seriöser Journalismus, KI und Rundfunk (

English translation


Fakes, Serious Journalism, AI and Broadcasting

Male but suggestive. How algorithms can misjudge content. Experiment by the BR’s „AI and Automation Lab“

A speaker at the Königsteiner Forum recently provided a nice definition of artificial intelligence (AI) in contrast to apps. The topics of the evening were the danger of fake news, the role of public broadcasting, automated organizational processes, and personalized news. Job losses and cost aspects were not so much on the agenda.

Rebecca Ciesielski, did not notice any particular fears among the employees of her company at the lecture series of the Frankfurter Volksbank who see a danger that artificial intelligence could take over their work.

Helmut Poppe, RadioSalesWeekly, Head of Marketing at, asked for answers to the decline in advertising revenue and at least the stagnation of the reach of public broadcasters in connection with a personnel cost share of 40%. He saw a clear problem with total revenues of 1 billion euros for a single regional broadcaster.

As it seems public broadcasters have far less to fear the creeping loss or at least stagnation of revenue due to declining advertising bookings with rather receding reach among listeners and viewers in competition with digital platforms. Advertising accounts for only a very small percentage of total revenues, a few percent. Public broadcasters and ZDF can rely on more than 9 billion euros from advertising and other sources every year. This is contrasted with personnel costs of well over 40%.

The young speaker with three master’s degrees showed interesting information on the subject of workflow optimization . There are many parallels with other industries, e.g. in product development, sales and HR management. A regional broadcaster like Bayerischer Rundfunk can, for example, use artificial intelligence to automatically personalize news for specific target groups and tailor it in terms of content to region, age, gender, expressions and preferences. However, as a black box, nobody knows exactly which data the AI is referring to, and so the human mind will always be needed again and again.

Overall, public broadcasting plays an important role in dealing with AI because – as demonstrated by the speaker from the BR’s „AI and Automation Lab“ on the evening in Königstein – it can and has already developed appropriate procedures for the use and control of digital machines.

A video recording of the event Journalism in Times of ChatGPT & Journalism in Times of ChatGPT & Co can be found here. Video | Stadt Königstein (

Rebecca Ciesielski’s humorous definition of the new digital techniques was: „A computer program or app is created like cooking: you follow a recipe in a fixed procedure. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, behaves like a student in an exam: it gives an answer to everything, as long as it sounds smart.“

This chart shows the projection of advertising revenues by media type up to the year 2030, with a predicted increase in the share of digital media to 65%, mainly controlled by large US platforms. This means that if the cost structures of historical media are to be adapted, a massive use of AI is necessary to optimize workflows and at the same time to win or at least retain the audience as well as new advertisers.   Source PMP strategy positive impact ARCOM Franz. Ministry of Culture“

AI in media sales – RadioSalesWeekly No. 118

Noticeably absent from the commonly offered tools using AI in the media sales workflow are media planning, media buying and execution. Is it guaranteed that the technology providers actually understand the complete radio media business? Is there a lack of input from radio marketing?

Here are the main steps: Leadinfo, Look for up for some leads, Get the contact data,
Contact the leads, Get some information about the lead, Meet the lead, Present your business, Show some ideas, Present the offer, Close the Deal, Lose the Deal, Write follow up mail, Send new offer / discount,


Exhaustive list of current AI Tools for Marketing and Communication

Lead Generation and Customer Contact: Identify professional visitors to your website and get in touch
with them.
– Qualify leads, research information about companies, contacts
and activities.
– is a standalone application with a focus on sales support: Sales
forecasting: Dealcode aims to increase closing rates through data analysis by
helping sales teams focus on the most promising deals. Sales process
optimization: Dealcode is designed to help automate manual tasks and
structure sales data so that sales reps can focus on closing deals.
Audio Production and Voiceover:
– ChatGPT: Create scripts for commercials or multiple creative versions.
– The French version of / ChatGPT.
– The most widely used solution for voice cloning, text-to-speech
and synthetic voices.
– The most user-friendly interface for producing commercials
and voice cloning.
– Full production of commercials generated with artificial intelligence
and recorded with synthetic voices.
– CreativeFix: Production of audio spots, sound identities, 3D
– Benztown: Jingles, commercial designs, generation of listener
– Create songs and music in 2 minutes.
– Produce and program hundreds of different versions of
commercials (dynamic advertising).
– Synthetic voice generation has never been easier … Soon to come
– ProFMmedia: : audio & radio spots, voice cloning
Podcast Production:
– Transcribe a podcast into text for

Video Editing and Production
– Platform for creating, editing and subtitling videos.
– OpusClip: Shorten long videos to short films with one click.
– Record video interviews remotely.
Audio Editing and Post-Production:
– Online audio recording studio.
– Free program for isolating sounds and removing background noise.
– Isolate music, an instrument or the vocals of a
– Dolby Atmos: Software for spatializing an audio
– Online post-production, level matching, noise
– Free online audio editor, very similar to Audacity and can be
used directly in the web browser.
– Intuitive, AI-powered podcast program for creating, editing and

AI-powered Tools for Creation and Innovation:
– Software for audio and video editing based on text
transcription. Impressive!
– AI that helps you find an expert who answers your questions in text
and podcast form.
– AI-generated voice tracks, content and productions.
– Futuri Audio Ai: RadioChatGPT, AI-based production of contributions, virtual
moderators, podcasts…
– Verificaudio: A new, AI-powered tool can help journalists identify Spanish
audio deepfakes.
– Create videos with avatars, video clones, AI-generated cloned

Other Useful Tools
– A tool to automate your daily tasks, schedule execution, and
– Purchase digital audio space and produce a commercial
in just 3 minutes. Learn more here:
– This platform automates everyday tasks in web applications. This
includes email management, automatic addition to CRM, downloads, and
much more. Watch the video tutorial to learn more:

Source: poppe media, great ideas from radiopub Michel Colin
April 16, 2024

Watch Zoom talk
AI in media sales – RadioSalesWeekly No. 118
15 minutes English language transcription

Top left: Alexander Zeitelhack – Medien Management Consulting
Top right: Helmut Poppe – Host RadioSalesWeekly
Mark Vogele – ProFMmedia: audio & radio spots,
voice cloning
Andreas Sprengart – Head of Marketing Radio Group

Bescheidene deutsche Medienlandschaft

Frankreichs Medienmilliardäre
Nette Spitzen, wenn es um Medienmacht französischer Milliardäre geht: In einer Anhörung der Aufsichtsbehörde Arcom, befragtwegen vorgeworfener einseitiger und populistischer Inhalte auf seinem Sender C8 , meinte Moderator Cyril Hanouna: „Sie haben die Zeit überschritten, Madame, wenn Sie in Fort Boyard  (reichweitenstarke Unterhaltungssendung) gewesen wären, hätten Sie den Schlüssel verloren“, seine Antwort an eine Abgeordnete. Hanouna startete seine Karriere im Radio., ist also recht schlagfertig.

Als er dem RN-Abgeordneten Philippe Ballard – einem ehemaligen LCI-Journalisten – gegenüberstand, der ihm versicherte, dass man sich nach dem Fernsehen „umorientieren“ könne, amüsierte er sich: „Also, ja, man kann sich umorientieren. Vielleicht sitze ich in zwei Jahren an Ihrer Stelle und befrage auch einen ex-Moderator ..“.

Bollorés Vivendi-Konzern hat im Portfolio: Bezahlsender Canal+, Radiosender Europe 1, Illustrierte „Paris Match“ und die Sonntagszeitung „Journal du Dimanche“, und Hachette, die wichtigste Verlagsgruppe in Frankreich.

Kürzlich wurde Bolloré zusammen mit Elon Musk im Élysée-Palast empfangen. Anlass war die Auszeichnung des Unternehmers Bernard Arnault mit dem Großkreuz der Ehrenlegion durch Präsident Macron. Arnault gehört das Wirtschaftsblatt „Les Échos“ und die Tageszeitung „Le Parisien“. Demnächst verkauft ihm Bolloré „Paris Match“, eine französische, wöchentlich erscheinende Illustrierte.

Medienmacht der Milliardäre
Der Marseiller Reeder Rodolphe Saadé besitzt die südfranzösische Regionalzeitung „La Provence“ , die Wirtschaftszeitung „La Tribune“ und hat gerade den Nachrichtensender BFM-TV erworben (ein Teil davon veranstaltet eine Radioprogramm namens Radio RMC). Das Rüstungsunternehmen Dassault kontrolliert „Le Figaro“, der TK-Unternehmer Xavier Niel ist an „Le Monde“ beteiligt. Der Industrielle Martin Bouygues besitzt den größten privaten Fernsehsender TF1.

Was sind wir doch so bescheiden in unserer deutschen Medienlandschaft aufgehoben.