Enjoyed creating a small debate between avatars on the topic ‚Future of Radio‘. Content: What strategies should radio adopt to continue playing to its strengths in the future? Three avatars briefly discuss the topic.
Regarding packaging: There is still much to be done in terms of prosody. Gestures, facial expressions, and intonation leave much to be desired. However, overall:
Advantages such as recruitment of speakers, lighting, editing, cosmetics, and cough drops are no longer needed, lol.
Hello. Before we move on to a debate with avatars, I want to show my -more or less – true face. Haha My name is Helmut Poppe, and I hope I haven’t been kicked off the platform as an avatar. What is this about? Traditional media, which some malicious voices also call historical media, are facing many challenges. On one hand, users may not be engaging as much or are definitely leaving. On the other hand, advertising revenues are also expected to decline or at least stagnate, as various studies indicate. What you will see now is a debate among three avatars. One is me, another says it’s not so bad, and the third points out various issues. Stay tuned!
Des avatars en marketing, publicité, éducation et formation
J’ai pris plaisir à créer un petit débat entre avatars sur le sujet « L’avenir de la radio ». Contenu : Quelles stratégies la radio devrait-elle adopter pour continuer à exploiter ses forces à l’avenir ? Trois avatars parlent brièvement ensemble. Emballage : En termes de prosodie, il y a encore beaucoup à faire. Les gestes, les expressions faciales et l’intonation laissent à désirer. Dans l’ensemble, cependant, les avantages en matière de recrutement des présentateurs, d’éclairage, de montage, de maquillage et de pastilles pour la toux sont supprimés, lol.
Learn more in the full video here.

Regarding the reliability of responses to online advertising, one should take a look at the evaluation by bots in an analysis from FouAnalytics. 1% = Humans.

Quelle: fouanalytics peter pirner on linkedin